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Writer's pictureMikal Nunley

Altered Words Play

Symmetrical / Backwards
















































Bonus: Tuna sub - bus(t) a-nut

Capital letters


CD - seedy / city

AE - aye

AG - aye G(gangsta / irl)

AP - aye P(imp)

OK - okay

Great AD - Grade A D(ick) / Grade 80

Suite D - sweet D

Sweat T/tea - sweety

Bonus: UNO - ooh noo!


Auckland - Oakland

Fiji - Fee G

Canada - can?...uh duh

Fresno - Friends know / Fres (means free or fray) no!

Phuket (fookit) - Fuck it

Fort Dick - it's a fort...dick

Souda Bay - sue da bay / bae

Hungary - hung Gary / hungry

Dubai - do buy

Humboldt - Humbled / Humbowl

Tiyuana - Do you wanna?

Waukesha - walk / (named the) wock kesha

Nobu - noble or  know / no boo

Ashby - Ash be

Aspen - ass pen / pin / been

Sacramento - sac ramen toe

Big Sur - Big Sir

Baja California Sur - Bye-ha Can't afford ya sir

San Ysidro - Sam, you see dro?

Missouri - misery. 

Concord - conquered or con chord

Boise - boy see 

Caldwell - Called well

Hayward - hey / hay word / ward

Baltic - Ball tick

Fillmore - fill / feel more

Tegucigalpa - The gucci gulpa

Dublin - doublin'

Ripon - rip on (yo neck)

Babylon - Babble on

Telluride - tell your ride

Jamaican - your making (me)

Tulare - to lar / layer

Boardman - bored / board man

Melbourne - male born

Boston - boss ten / tin

Santa Cruz - Santa Cruise

Words Part 1

Anime - Annie Mae 

Boarding - board / bore ding

Depend - deep end

Coffin - coughin(g)

Attracter - A tractor / attract her

Assistant - a sis tent

Assistance - a sis tents

Important - in poor tent

Importance - in poor tents

Aspects  - ass specs

No whey - no way

DevOps - dead ops

A Bonnet - (I'm tryna get) up on it

Alcohol - I'll call (you later)

Iron - I earn

Gluten - glue ten / tin

nightingale - night in girl / gal

Handsome - hand some

Ribbit - rivet

Lessen - lesson

Leasin(g) - listen

Felon - fell in

Borador - bore a door

Namaste - naw I'ma stay

Hawk too / hawk two - hawktu (spit)

Thumbnail - thumb nail

In vitamin D - invite a mindy

Vibrating - Vibe rating

Casa - cost of

Butt - buck

Plug - pluck

Version - virgin

Britannica - Brita nigga

Window - win dough

Antidote - auntie / anti dope 

Auction - option - op shin

News - noose

Campus - camp us

Trek - trick / check

Lunatic - Luna Tick

Luna stick - Luna's tick

Celtics - sell ticks


Jose - Hoe say

Ezekiel - easy kill

Courtney - court / quart knee

Kimberly - Kim early 

Linda (in da cut) - lender 

Wright - write / right

Chris (must) - Christmas 

Aldo's - All doors

Mary - marry / merry

Yolanda - Yo lawn duh

Kyle  - Kai ill

(Hey) Jorge not George - hey whore hey 

Whitmore - wit(h) more

Nasha - notcha (not your)

Dyland - die alone

(My) Sherry - Ma Cherie (my old lady / darling)

Lorna - loner

(For) Phil - fulfill / full feel

(Add) Myron - admirin(g)

Lionel - line / lion ill 

Messi - messy

Cole - coal 

Nicholas - Nick coal us

Jazmine - jazz men

Gautam - got em

Gaethje - gay chi

Jess - yes / just / guess

Sophie - so fee

Yanira - (is) yah near uh

Dayshon - day shine

Angelica - angel licka / liquor

Amir - (but) a meer.../ a mirror

Hickok - hick cock

O'Farrell - old ferrel 

Harney - horny

Wyatt - Why it?

Mark - mark

Marcus - mark this

Tyler - tiler

Claire - clayer / clay her

Eugene - You Gene?

Hi Gene - hygiene 

Giannis - (to be) giannis (to be honest)

Newsom - knew sumn / some(thing), new sum 

Anita (Baker) - I need uh (Baker)

Perry - parry

Surinder - surrender

Toto - total 

Yumi - I'm trying to put [you & me] together

Mike hawk - Mike cock

Rob Moore - Rob more

Putin - put / poot in

Sugondese - suck on deez (nuts)

Tucker Gott - (Let me tell you what) Tucker Got

Billy - Billy (on air) - (billionaire)

Max - Max (a mom) - maximum

Berley - barely

Forest Gump - four rizz gump

Raven - raven (bird) / ravin(g) 

Caldwell - Called well

Sikh - sick

Patrick - pat Rick/trick

Godfrey - God free

Connor - con her

Tydus - tired (of) this

Dwight - Da white

Juan - who won? / one

Jewan - jew won / jew wand

Alaine - A lane 

Huey - hue (who he?)

Frieza - Freezer

Kuhlio - cool Leo 

Carter - card her

Beth - bet

Darryl - da real / reel. Dare eel / ill

Abraham - A bra ham / A bruh ham

Amon'ra - almond raw

Kerri A. Blackman - carry a black man

Dylan - Deal/Dill Inn/In

Dill Doe - dildo

Niya - ca[n I uh] get your number?

Carson - car son / car sin

Ana L. - anal

Andre - on Dre 

Mike Lit - My clit

Mike Lick - My click

Warren - worn / warn / warrin(g)

Suzy - Choosey Suzy (sue Z)

Kai (in, there / prep her) - Cayenne there / pepper

(For) Tay - Forte

(Poke) Iman - Pokemon

Quan (titties) - Quantities

Dom - dumb / dime 

Luke - Look


Monica poon - my nigga pussy

Korean - Core(y) ian

john - a confused guy / man that pays for sex

Car Brand

Kia - Kia (name)

A Lexus - Alexis, I can't take an L when I'm in alexis

Porsche - poorish

Hyundai - hon(ey) died

Audi - aw D!

Cadillac - cattle lack

Chrysler - Christ lure

Subaru - sue brew / super rude

Bugatti - boo got tea

Genesis - Jen is sis

Nissan - knees on/son/sign

Toyota - toy yoda

A Ford - Afford

Car model

Tacoma - Taco ma

Frontier - Front ear

Accord - a chord

Atlas - at less

Blazer - blaze her

Challenger - challenge her

Charger - charge her

Cherokee - share a key

Compass - come / cum piss

Corolla - core roller

Corvette - core vet

Encore - on core

Corsair - course / coarse air

Escape - it's cape

Express - ex press

Forte - For Tay

Gladiator - Glad he ate her

Crosstrek - cross trick

Granturismo - Grant her ism mo

Gravity - grab a T(itty)

Hornet - whore net

Impreza - impress her

Kona - corner

Legacy - leg I see

Maverick - man her ick

Mercedes - nurse say deez

Mustang - must stank

Miata - me ota  (why I ota)

Nautilus - not a list

Outback - out back

Passport - pass port

Pathfinder - path finder

Pilot - pie lit

Prius - pre us

Ur us - your us

Sierra - C era

Sorento - sore in toe

Titan - tight in

Trailblazer - trail blaze her

Venue - ven(mo) you

Telluride - tell your ride

*Bonus: HUMMER - vibrating blowjob from humming


won ton - 1 ton

To / too ton - 2 ton

Tree ton - 3 ton

For ton - 4 ton

Sex ton - 6 ton

Ate ton - 8 ton

Nin ton - 9 ton

Tin ton - 10 ton

tend to - 10 2

won too - 1 2

for teen - 14

dirty one - 31

thou sand - 1000

Bill Ian - 1000000000

Trill Ian - 1000000000000

Why + letter

why+r: wire

why+p: wipe

why+n: whine / wine

why+f: wife

why+d: wide

why+z: wise

why+l: while

why+t: white

Words Part 2

entities - in titties / into these

analog - and a log

protein - pro teen

perks - perc(ocet)s

Lil girl - liquor 

Gang - gay

Celibate - sell a bit(ch)

Jacket - jack it

Dive - die

German - Germ man

Fuhrer - fewer

People - peep hole

Get chode - getcho old

Then - din / den

Champagne - Sham / champ pain

Guard - God 

Vinegar - VIN nigger

Staring - stern / stirrin(g)

Sports - sports / sparks

Vaping - vape pen

Pension - pen shin

Dinosaurs - dino sores/soars/source

Enigma - a nig ma

Soy sauce - sorry (sowwy) sauce

Blue bins - blue benz

Aux - ox

Deuteronomy - dude your on to me

Intention - in tension

Idolatry - I dollar tree

Decrease - d(ick) crease 

Realtors - real tours

Mandates - man dates

Census - senses

Real estate - realest state

Surfeit - surf it

Ameliorate - a meal you (r)ate

Acids - asses

Pedophile - pedal file

Highlight - high light

Matrix - made tricks

Profane - propane

Sordid - sorted / sure did / shorted

Synonym - sendin(g) them

Condemn - condom

Addicted - a dick Ted 

Shorted - short Ted 

Cannabis - can I bust?

Forward - for word

Fandom - fan dome / fan dumb

Saiyan - Saying

Swami - swap me

Hanger - hangar / hang her

Witch - which / wish

Texter - texture

Specialty - special tea

Kidneys - kid knees

Alive - a lie

Dakine - da kind

Misspoke - miss spoke / poke

Irresistible - irrizzistable/(ear is/eerie) cyst stable / table

Solitaire - solid tear

Harassment - her ass meant

Undercover - Under cover

Intuit - into it

Cancer - can sir

Hypnotized - hypno ties

Invest - in vest

Quantity - Quan(s) titty

Don - done

Know this - notice

knew this - nudist 

Kit(ty) chin - kitchen

Liquor - Licker / lick her

Axes - access

Microwave - micro wave / Michael wave

Microsoft - micro soft / Michael soft

Euthanasia - youth in asia

Eureka - you wreak(uh)

Depress - the press

Nazi - knot/not see

-ime / -ine

Crime - crying

Prime - prying

Time - tying

Dine - dying

Lime - lying / line

Twine - to whine

Accent / Slang

Lingo - lean go

Accent - Axe scent

Accents - act / Axe sense

Garage - garige (British)  / gay ridge

Bottle - bo'el (British)

Girl - gyal

Nan - grandmother

Innit (in it) - isn't it

Boy - bwoy (Jamaican)

Sunkist - Thunketh (Lisp slang)

Karthik - car thick / sick (Lisp)

Face - faith (Lisp)

Race - wraith (Lisp)

Bass - bathe (Lisp)

Best - Beth (Lisp)

Mace - maze (Lisp)

Pace - pays (Lisp)

Bye - baaahhh (sheep)

Dolla(r) - dawa 

Bruh - bruv

Thing - ting

Missiles - miss isles

Every - eery / airy

Scared - skeered

You know what I'm saying - ya naw sayn

For sure - fasho

*Bonus: squeaky bum - a tense, nervous time

Mate - buddy or pal

Lad - boy or young man

Words Part 3

Moreso - more so

Although - all though

However - how ever

But - butt

Therefore - there for / four

Thereafter - there after

Anyway - any way

Instead - in stead

Nevertheless - never the less

Nevermind - never mind

Moreover - more over

Indeed - in deed

Meanwhile - mean while

Likewise - like wise

Otherwise - other wise

Finally - finale  

Further(more) - fur there more

Besides - be / bee sides

Words Part 4

Memorize - memo rise

Steady - study

Weekend - weak/week end/and/hand

Mastercard - master card

Lingo - lean go

Herbivore - Her before

Salvagers - savages

Professor - profess her / sir

Minimum - mini mom

Prophet - profit

Risk - wrist

Restraining - rizz training / rizztraining

Narc - narcissist / narcotics  

Reckon - wreckin(g)

Mormon - more men

Harass - her ass

Calm down - come down

Riding - Writing

Data - date (uh) / dad-duh

Niece - niche

Happiness - half penis

Garden - Guardin(g) 

In vitamin - invite 'em in

Hottie - hot tea

Masturbating - master baiting

Peacock - P(imp) / pee / pea cock

Party - par tea

Study abroad - study a broad

YouTube - you too / U tube

Discharge - this charge

Corndog - corn dog

Diamond - Dime mon

Pokemon -  Pokey mon

Mewtwo - mute too

Squirtle little - squirt a little

Eliminated - a lemon aided

Abomination - a bomb in nation

Melchizedek - my chisel(ed) deck

Nomenclature - No Men?...Clay? Sure

manufacturing - man, you fact suring?

Nulo - new low

Noble - no bull

Ahead - of head

Deaf row - death row

Weight - wait

Fancy - fan see

Gravity - grab a tea / graffiti

Adamant - add a mint

Dopamine - dope I mean

*Bonus: trailer park - trail or park

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